Home Curiosities/Curiosidades One cool mud house in Matagalpa

One cool mud house in Matagalpa

Old mud house in Matagalpa, Nicaragua
Old mud house in Matagalpa, Nicaragua

This is a typical construction in some parts of Nicaragua, dating back a few years. It’s made of wooden supports and mud. It’s surprising that these houses are actually cool inside and they last for years, despite the rain, wind, etc.  However, in earthquake-prone areas (read most of the west coast in Nicaragua) these houses are slowly being destroyed because of the tremors.

Aquí está una construcción típica de algunos lugares de Nicaragua, obviamente de antaño. Se ha construido de soportes de madera y barro. Sorprendentemente las casas son bastante frescas y aguantan la lluvia, viento, etc. por años. Sin embargo, en zonas de riesgo sísmico (léase toda la franja occidental de Nicaragua) estas casas se van desapareciendo  debido a los temblores.



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