Home Destinations/Destinos The impressive Masaya volcano

The impressive Masaya volcano

A view from the parking lot
Volcano Masaya
Masaya Volcano – from above during the day
Volcano Masaya
Volcano Masaya

Volcano Masaya

We went to the Masaya volcano today. It’s definitely worth a visit when you are in the Managua, Masaya, and Granada areas of Nicaragua. There are various tour packages available for purchase as you arrive at the main park entrance. The prices (for foreigners) range from $5 to $20, depending on the tour you choose. If you go during the day, there is a three-hour walking tour for $5. One of the night visits, one-hour and 15 minutes, costs $6. There are quite a few other options. Click HERE for the latest information on prices and official tours (in Spanish). For more information, click THIS. Oh, and if you are wondering, yes this is the place high-wire daredevil Nik Wallenda did his walk, with the live volcano below.

Fuimos al volcán Masaya hoy. Definitivamente vale la pena una visita si te encontrás en la zona de Managua, Masaya o Granada en Nicaragua. Podés comprar varios paquetes turísticos al llegar a la entrada principal del parque. Los precios (para extranjeros) varían de $5 a $20, dependiendo del tour que elijás. Si vas durante el día, hay un recorrido a pie de tres horas por $5. Una de las visitas nocturnas, de una hora y 15 minutos, cuesta $6. Hay muchas otras opciones. Haga clic aquí para obtener la información más reciente sobre precios y tours oficiales (en español). Para obtener más información, haga clic en ESTE. Ahhh, y por si preguntabas, sí, este es el lugar donde el temerario Nik Wallenda hizo su hazaña de cruzar este lugar caliente en una cuerda floja.

Click here for more volcanos.

And here too.



  1. This is a great place to visit for tourists and Nicaraguans alike. The sulfur smell is a little strong, but when else will you be so close to an active volcano and be able to look inside. There is also some hiking that can be done there.


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