Thursday, February 20, 2025
HomeblogsherpaSopa de queso...almost

Sopa de queso…almost

Cheese soup is another culinary treasure in Nicaragua.  These guys, called rosquillas (a special type in soup context) are thrown into the soup.  They are made of corn dough and a lot of cheese and as the soften, release their yumminess into the soup.  I was fortunate to snag some before they were put into the soup and they are sooo good, especially hot out of the frying pan!!!

Sopa de queso es otro tesoro culinario de Nicaragua.  Estas rosquillas (especiales para sopa) se echan a la sopa.  Están hechas de masa de maiz y un montón de queso y, mientras se suavizan en la sopa, echan su riquezas a la sopa.  Por suerte agarré algunas antes de caerse a la sopa y son riquísimas…calientitas!!!

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