Friday, March 14, 2025
HomeNicaraguan Food/Comida Nicaragüense1 big lemon for a good lemonade

1 big lemon for a good lemonade

Big lemon for a good lemonade
Big lemon for a good lemonade

Anybody for a nice tall glass of good lemonade? You won’t need too many of these to do it….mmmm!!!! This is a big lemon for a good lemonade!!!

Sure, here’s a recipe for Nicaraguan lemonade in both English and Spanish (if you get one of these big lemons, please adjust the quantity of lemons in the recipe). 


– 4-5 large lemons
– 1 cup granulated sugar
– 5 cups cold water
– Ice cubes
– Fresh mint leaves (optional)

1. Juice the lemons to yield about 1 cup of lemon juice.
2. In a pitcher, combine the lemon juice and granulated sugar.
3. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
4. Add cold water to the pitcher and mix well.
5. Taste the lemonade and adjust the sweetness or tartness by adding more sugar or lemon juice if desired.
6. Serve over ice cubes in glasses.
7. Garnish with fresh mint leaves if desired.
8. Enjoy your refreshing Nicaraguan lemonade!


– 4-5 limones grandes
– 1 taza de azúcar granulada
– 5 tazas de agua fría
– Cubitos de hielo
– Hojas de menta fresca (opcional)

1. Exprime los limones para obtener aproximadamente 1 taza de jugo de limón.
2. En una jarra, combina el jugo de limón y el azúcar granulada.
3. Revuelve hasta que el azúcar esté completamente disuelta.
4. Agrega agua fría a la jarra y mezcla bien.
5. Prueba la limonada y ajusta el dulzor o acidez agregando más azúcar o jugo de limón si lo deseas.
6. Sirve sobre cubitos de hielo en vasos.
7. Decora con hojas de menta fresca si lo deseas.
8. ¡Disfruta de tu refrescante limonada nicaragüense!

Lemonade <…> Limonada [click]

How about this recipe for Brazilian lemonade? [click]

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