Wednesday, March 12, 2025
HomeUncategorizedKathy's Waffle House - Granada, Nicaragua

Kathy’s Waffle House – Granada, Nicaragua

Este no es un desayuno típico pero para los que viven o visten a Granada, Nicaragua, es un favorito.  Kathy’s Waffle House es la mejor versión de Denny’s que yo he encontrado de la frontera sur de EE.UU para bajo.  Aquí tenés una taza de rico café (con refill las veces que querés) y agua (purificada, por supuesto); luego van los huevos rancheros y bacon y, finalmente, los panqueques.  Vale C$110 ($5.25) – propina y impuestos incluidos.  No es barato en comparación con los precios locales pero ¡¡¡es rico!!!

This isn’t a typical breakfast but for those who live in or visit Granada, Nicaragua, but it’s one of the favorites.  Kathy’s Waffle House is the best version of Denny’s south of the border.  There you see a bottomless cup of coffee, water (purified, of course); then come the ranchero style eggs, bacon and finally, pancakes.  All of this costs $5.25 (tax and tip included).  It’s not necessarily cheap by local standards but it’s good!

Kathy’s Waffle House
Frente al Convento San Francisco



  1. Hey Arron …. Carol and I are looking at your blog and feel you should be getting paid by Bon Appetite …. Their South and Central American division of course…. (if that exists) and if it doesn't then maybe they should create that division with you as head…..I know you have time for this because you are going out to eat anyway and reporting on all these places why not get paid for your reporting!

    Our love to you both!

    Bill and Carol


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