Saturday, February 8, 2025
HomeNature/NaturalezaNicaraguan iguana (garrobo)

Nicaraguan iguana (garrobo)

We hear a lot of scratching and running around on our roof.  Since we live in a fairly protected property in Managua, this reptile has his run of the place.  It’s a big Nicaraguan iguana (garrobo) and he regularly comes down to feed on the grass, flowers, and trees. My fear is that he gets trapped by a neighbor, as these garrobo are highly valued for food in Nicaragua, especially during Holy Week (Semana Santa). He survived that. What is the connection between Holy Week (Semana Santa) and iguanas?
Read this blog from Rachel Lindsay.
Escuchamos muchos rasguños y correteos en nuestro techo. Como vivimos en una propiedad bastante protegida en Managua, este reptil tiene dominio del lugar. Es una gran iguana (GARROBO) nicaragüense.  Se baja regularmente para alimentarse de la hierba, las flores y los árboles. Mi temor es que lo atrape un vecino, ya que estos son muy apreciados como alimento en Nicaragua, especialmente durante la Semana Santa.  Hasta el momento ha sobrevivido. 

Click here for more posts about iguanas: 1 2



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