Friday, October 18, 2024

Carne asada

A Nicaraguan stronghold is ‘la fritanga‘, a species of Nicaraguan fast food available on sidewalks throughout Nicaraguan cities and pueblos. There you will find carne asada (beef, chicken, pork), fried cheese, gallo pinto (that perfect mix of rice and beans), enchiladas (a la Nica), fried ripe plantains, tajadas (fried green plantains, a latin american version of potato chips) and many other delicious treats. Don’t expect it dirt cheap…that plate cost ($3.25) but its a hefty portion of Nica cuisine that’s sure to fill the largest appetite! Ummm!

Street food is a type of food that is served on the streets, by vendors or in other public spaces. Street foods are often sold from a cart, food truck, or portable kiosk, and they include many forms of regional and national dishes. Carne asada is definitely on the list.

Street food can be found in many places around the world. In some countries like Nicaragua, street food is one of the most popular types of cuisine. The street foods in Nicaragua are called fritanga and they are served by vendors that typically set up their carts on the sidewalks during evening hours. These carts sell grilled chicken and pork, carne asada (beef) with cheese and rice and beans (gallo pinto). Fritangas also have plantains that are fried to perfection, for a crunchy addition to your plate!

La comida callejera es un tipo de comida que se sirve en las calles, por vendedores ambulantes o en otros espacios públicos. Los alimentos callejeros a menudo se venden en un carrito, camión de comida o quiosco portátil, e incluyen muchas formas de platos regionales y nacionales.

La comida callejera se puede encontrar en muchos lugares del mundo. En algunos países como Nicaragua, la comida callejera es uno de los tipos de cocina más populares. Las comidas callejeras en Nicaragua se llaman fritanga y son servidas por vendedores que normalmente instalan sus carritos en las aceras durante las horas de la noche. Estos carritos venden pollo y cerdo a la parrilla, carne asada con queso y arroz y frijoles (gallo pinto). Las fritangas también tienen plátanos que se fríen a la perfección, ¡para una adición crujiente a su plato!

Click here for more carne asada!



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