HomeNature/NaturalezaFlowersFloresNature/NaturalezaFlowers<...>Flores0380December 29, 2011 El CheleShareFacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsAppLinkedinReddIt I saw some pretty flowers in San Marcos, Ometepe. Though I would share some with you….Vi a unas flores bien bonitas en San Marcos, Ometepe. Quise compartirlas con vos….ShareFacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsAppLinkedinReddIt Previous articleGood sopa de res (beef soup)Next articleEl ZaguánEl Chelehttp://nicatourism.comMORE TO SEE Nature/Naturaleza1 beautiful Flor de Avispa [Hibiscus] April 10, 2023 OmetepeA treasure to be seen – Ojo de Agua April 10, 2023 Nature/Naturaleza1 beautiful Panama oak tree March 28, 2023 LEAVE A REPLY Cancel replyComment:Please enter your comment! Name:*Please enter your name here Email:*You have entered an incorrect email address!Please enter your email address here Website: - Advertisment -most popularDoor lockCerradura para una puerta August 2, 2012 Why Nicaragua is a great vacation option? – CNN iReport October 18, 2012 Chilling in the ‘pic-sina’ February 19, 2013 Best of both worlds May 30, 2013 Load more